In today’s online shopping market, we believe that honesty is the best policy. That’s why we designed the most generous, fair and transparent store policy for our customers. Read the following sections to find out more about how we ship or exchange products, or about how we secure your personal data. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

After purchases have been made from Imbenta, depending on the item(s), the process time of producing the product(s) will take 1-3 business days and shipping and handling will take 1-5 business days. We ship with USPS First Class and Priority mail. Shipping usually takes within 3-5 business days.
As for International shipping, Imbenta currently ships anywhere in the U.S. including Guam, Northern Marianas Islands, and other military bases/U.S. Territories. At the moment, we do not ship outside the U.S.

Imbenta will accept NO Returns, NO Refunds and NO Warranties due that the insufficient materials that are available. Instead, we would gladly replace the item(s) that are available for this option, only if item(s) are in a damaged state. For a full replacement, please contact us within 5 days after parcel has arrived. After contact has been made, we will send a replacement.
How to get a replacement:
if an item or more has been damaged during shipping or upon arrival, please take a photo of damaged item(s) and send it via email to jenn@iimbenta.com describing what happened to your item(s) within or by the 5 day period. After that, you are held responsible for your item(s).
Your Data is Secure
Imbenta collects information from you through:
Account and product registration, as well as administration of your account
The Imbenta services that you use
Requests and/or questions that you submit to us via email, forums, or blog
Your communications and dealings with us
Your participation in Imbenta contests, sweepstakes, and giveaways
Uploads and/or posts to the services
Requests for customer support and technical assistance
Upon the services that you use, how you use these services, and what you choose to provide are the types of information that we collect from and about you. The type of data that we may collect from you include:
Name, address, telephone number, and email address
Log in details and password are collected if you create an account with Imbenta
A photograph that you associate with your account with Imbenta is optional information
Any email requests and/or questions you that you submit to us
Demographic information such as your gender
User generated content you post on public online Imbenta forums and blogs